Monday, February 27, 2012

Finally, the Royalists take the field

Well a mere 18 months after landing the first box of Warlord plastic ECW figures, the Royalists (Cornish, 1643) took the field for a demo game at Battlecry. Here they are defending Truro against a mercenary army from Hessen-Kassel, landed by the Navy to aid the Rascally Rebels.

From viewer left to right: Sir Ralph Hopton leads the Horse of the Right, supported by the detached pikes of Col. Tillier's Regt (the musketeers are lying in ambush in Truro town) and dragoons; in the centre King Charles I with Sir Beville Grenvile's Foote, massed light guns, Sir Wm Godolphin's and Sir Nicholas Slannings; Prince Maurice urges forward the Horse of the Left whilts supporting dragoones rush to seize a small wood.

After a long and bitter struggle, sadly the King's Men failed to hold the field.

Rules were DBR 2.0, Normal scale, 450AP. The guns, gun crews and some armoured pike are Warlord metals, the generals and Grenville and Godolphin at the head of their Regiments (where historically they perished) are Old Glory metals. The rest are Warlord plastics.

Four more elements of matchlock musketeers (75% finished) and four of Firelocks to go before I can field the army from 1644- the ratio of pike to musket drops from 1-1 to 1-3 or even 1-6.

4 more elements of Horse (75% finished) and it will be ready to field as FoGR Later Royalist at 800pts.

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