Now if there is one thing all wargamers need to distract themselves from the creaks and groans of the painting desk under the mountain of unpainted lead, its a new period. Or a new scale.
So to really cheer myself up, I have done both. War of the Spanish Succession in 10mm.
The AWC is planning to do a refight of Blenheim later this year, and our own Jerome Johnson has created a range of figures. Of course there are already some fine ranges, such as Pendraken. However the masters for Jerome's figs look verrra nice, and will be no more costly, and I get to support local industry :-)
Here is an artist's impression of what it might all look like. Although we will be using 40x20mm bases with 10 foot or five horse, two bases to a battalion/regiment. We should be able to get away with about 2,000 figures....
At this time we are still evaluating which rules to use. Candidates include Might and Reason, Maurice, Beneath the Lilly Banners and even dear old DBR.
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